Friday, June 12, 2015

I love both my kids and my job

I know it sounds TOTALLY CRAZY, but I love both my kids and my job. I feel like not doing one or the other would make me less good at both. If you are a mom that wants nothing but to stay home and nurture the hell out of your kids, and has daily activities lined up to fill your days with wonderment, then AWESOME! I am not that mom. If my kids are reasonably clean and have food in their bellies, I consider that a good day. I unquestionably love my kids, but it really irks me to have that love called into question just because I work outside of the home. I love coming home to them every day and being truly excited to see them. Daycare has teddy bear picnics and camaraderie that I could never replicate if I tried. My kids are going to enter school already thoroughly with the program and with several friends from daycare. Do I ever sit at work and longingly think about the moms club ladies that are doing so and so with their kids on a weekday? Of course! But I also get to do really cool stuff at my job on a daily basis that is interesting and challenging. I would absolutely lose my mind staying home with kids for 5 + years. If you can do it, more power to ya!

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